Sunday, October 2, 2011

Latest Sewing Project

For all of my baby showers I had recieved for Jack, I got lots of ribbon. It was wrapped around gifts, hanging onesies on the wall, or holding together diaper cakes! I also came across some light blue fleece I had in my fabric stash and thought of my sister-in-law who used to make those tabbed baby blankets! So that's what I did in 45 minutes today! I put Jack's initials and cut up all the ribbon into strips, sewed on a white backing and done! Now we have a second fun playmat for Jack with colors and different textures of ribbon for him to grab!

Super easy to make!!! I'm still working on getting better at sewing the letters so they don't look crooked. A stiff backing would do it, just was too lazy to bother this time around!

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