Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cousin Camden's First Birthday Party

My little sister did an AMAZING job on her son's first birthday party! She did an old time baseball theme with pop corn, cotton candy machine (which AJ ended up running with sticky arms!), pulled pork and hot dogs too! It was a ton of fun that lasted all day for most of us! Jack had a good time too, playing with the HUGE balloons and his NC (Carolina) cousins!

Hmmm... what is this in the grass?? Ah, yes, something to go in my mouth!

 Here is my beautiful cousin, Mary Claire!Oooo, a froggy! I want to squeeze it!

 Huge Balloons!

 I wonder if this bat will taste good.
 Oooo, my cousin Charlotte is getting close to me and smiling for a picture... I wonder if she'll keep smiling when (not if) I grab her hair!
 Oh well, I'm going to grab it anyway! No more smiling Charlotte!
 Notice the blur of me, I'm trying desperately to get the birthday boy up on the sofa for ONE picture!
 Camden does NOT sit still for pictures, especially when it's his party with places to go and things to do!
 Ooo, now I have the big balloon all to myself! I don't think it will fit in my mouth, but I'll try anyway! HA!

1 comment:

The Barrick Times said...

FUN!! I'm so glad you took some pictures of the day!